Studying in Canada: 8 Overview of Bank Balance Requirements and Visa Conditions (following)

Why is the Canadian Embassy interested in ensuring that the bank balance required to study in Canada is valid?

Among the most important conditions that must be met by the student to obtain a study visa to Canada:

  • This is due to the Canadian government ensuring that this student is able to spend on himself when traveling to a Canadian province for the purpose of studying.
  • Issuing a study visa to Canada requires that the student have sufficient bank balance throughout the stay period, whether he is traveling alone or with his family to cover all the expenses that they will need at least in the first year of school years so that after traveling he does not have to do work to obtain funds without work permits or using any of the illegal methods aimed at obtaining funds to support himself and his family.
  • In the case of fully funded or partially funded free scholarships, the Canadian government is the one who bears all the student’s expenses, and in many cases, he may receive a monthly allowance, but in the case of a study visa on the international student’s expenses, his financial ability to spend must be proven on himself.

The validity period of the bank account statement for studying in Canada

The statement of account is accepted at the Canadian Embassy to ensure the correctness of the information provided on the bank balance required for studying in Canada for a short period of time not exceeding one month from the issuance of the student’s bank statement.

After exceeding the month period, the person must go to the bank again and extract another recent bank statement in order to be accepted.

The student must confirm that the bank account statement must be fully translated into English.

It is necessary to clarify the bank’s main address, the official e-mail, and the special numbers, as in many cases it may require direct contact with officials in the bank’s management to ensure the correctness of the information provided in the bank account statement.

Mistakes to avoid when submitting a bank statement to the Embassy of Canada

Submitting an incorrect or forged bank statement to overcome the point of balance required to study in Canada. Unfortunately, this matter is easily detected within the Canadian Consulate.

This is very dangerous and may expose the person to legal accountability and the inability to obtain a visa after that a long period of time as a result of the forgery process.

Some people may make irregular withdrawals and deposits in their bank account in the last 6 months, which is the period required to submit the bank account statement to the Canadian Embassy, ​​which may raise suspicions and reject the papers.

Others may transfer a large amount to the bank account for the possibility of proving the validity of the income and the ability to spend on oneself when traveling to Canada and also raises doubts and the bank account statement is rejected in the event of a desire to transfer a large amount, and therefore care must be taken that the deposit process is before 6 The last months during which the Canadian Embassy bank statement is submitted.

There must be regular withdrawals and deposits on your bank account, and this matter is easily done by transferring all your bank transactions, such as salary and financial transfers, to your bank account, and then disbursing from it as you wish throughout the month.

Is studying in Canada expensive?

The answer to this question varies from person to person based on the standard of living and monthly income, but in general, it may be somewhat high, especially when applying to Canadian public universities:

  • One of the most difficult conditions for obtaining a study visa is the bank balance required to study in Canada, which must contain a large amount of money sufficient to spend for at least one year after traveling to Canada, and this number increases based on each family member in the case of a married person.
  • The average cost of obtaining a study visa from the Canadian consulate in your country is about 150 Canadian dollars, and there are differences from one country to another that may be less or slightly more than this amount.
  • Of course, tuition fees are recorded in the educational institute or university through which university admission was obtained for the study, and university fees vary from one place to another based on the specialization, the name of the university, and its local and international classification.
  • It is possible to overcome living expenses after traveling to Canada by obtaining part-time work in addition to studying, which is organized by the Canadian government for the possibility of obtaining partial work permits after issuing full-time study permits registered in a Canadian academic institution. The student can work about 20 hours per week and must adhere to that And not exceed it so that he and the employer are not exposed to legal violations and financial fines.

How long does a Canada study visa take?

Canada study visa usually takes between 4 to 6 weeks to obtain, and the visa can take more than that in some cases, but the process is often completed during this period.

However, you should be aware that there are many factors that may affect the processing time for your visa to study in Canada.

Therefore, obtaining a Canada visa to study can take longer than 6 weeks, and therefore it is important that you start dealing with your application early in order to make sure that you obtain the visa before the start of the new semester.
