Studying in Canada: 8 Overview of Bank Balance Requirements and Visa Conditions (following)

  • The costs of studying in most Canadian universities, as well as the cost of living in most Canadian provinces, are relatively low when compared with one the European countries, of which Canadian universities are no less important.
  • The quality and strength of the academic courses make the students possess the scientific and practical skills that qualify them strongly for the labor market, but rather to compete fiercely for the most important local and international job opportunities in various companies and institutions based on the university specialization.
  • A lot of facilities the Canadian government for international students to obtain work permits and convert a study visa into a residence in Canada through one of the Canadian immigration programs for international students to attract graduates with scientific and practical skills and qualifications who are able to raise the economic forces in the various Canadian provinces after fulfilling the conditions Required on PNP Common Territory Programs for each Canadian province.
  • The high standard of living, the technological progress, and the amazing development in all aspects of life, the availability of all services and job opportunities available with a decent average income, all of this is one of the most important factors that attract various international students around the world, in addition to the fact that Canada is one of the most important tourist countries.
  • Benefit from the many experiences after traveling to Canada coinciding with dealing with different nationalities and getting acquainted with other customs, customs, and traditions, in addition to the possibility of working besides studying part-time in your field of specialization, and this greatly helps in acquiring experiences and skills that burden the student’s competence after graduation, as well as obtaining On the funds that help him with living costs and alimony in addition to studying, this is organized by the Canadian government for students to work part-time with studies.

How much bank balance is required to study in Canada?

One of the most important steps for obtaining a study visa is that the bank amount required to study in Canada covers alimony and living costs for at least the first year, in addition to paying tuition fees at a university or educational institute in which university admission has been obtained:

One of the most important requirements for studying in Canada, which may cause a visa refusal for many international students, is the bank balance required to study in Canada. The same, in addition to paying tuition fees in the educational institution for the first year.

In the case of a married person, the bank balance required to study in Canada must not be less than 12,000 Canadian dollars in addition to 3000 Canadian dollars for each child to ensure spending on his family and himself in the first year in addition to tuition fees.

The student must have a bank account in his name if he exceeds the legal age for opening a bank account, and the period of opening this account should be no less than 6 months because he will ask you at the Canadian Embassy to provide an account statement of the last withdrawal and deposit transactions for your bank account in the last 6 months To ensure that the financial guarantee for the issuance of the study visa is confirmed.

You can open a bank account in your country in the local currency or in a hard currency such as dollars or euros, as it is easy to transfer money to a Canadian bank with proof of your eligibility to spend from the bank account without any problems.
