Canada Work Permits and visa for Entrepreneurs

The work permit processing usually takes a few months, but if your job is of a managerial, executive, or professional level, you may be eligible for a work permit to work Within two weeks.

If you intend to set up and run your own business in Canada and you meet the above conditions, this is your way to move to Canada temporarily.

Work permit for entrepreneurs

You may qualify for a permit to work Closed if you intend to operate a business in Canada that will maintain or establish:

  • Significant social, cultural, or economic benefits, or
  • Jobs for Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.

You must also meet the following conditions:

  • prove to the officer in charge that you will leave Canada when your work permit expires.
  • show that you have enough money to care for yourself and your family members during your stay in Canada and back home;
  • To obtain a clearance certificate from the police in the country in which you reside
  • Not to pose a threat to the security of Canada.
  • You are in good health and undergo a medical examination
  • Do not plan to work for an employer that is listed as “ineligible”
  • do not plan to work for an employer that regularly provides striptease, erotic dancing, escort services, or erotic massage; And the
  • You give the employee any other documents he requests to prove that you can enter the country.

Transfer to permanent residence

Entrepreneurs who wish to obtain permanent residence in Canada Take advantage of the points they score in the system for quick entry Express which allows skilled workers to obtain permanent residence.

This group of applicants who have accumulated work experience through their own company in Canada will benefit from additional points in the Express Entry system.

If your job is in accordance with the Canadian Occupational Classification of NOC 0, A, or B, you get an additional 50 points, if you work at NOC 00, you qualify for an additional 200 points in the Express Entry system which combined with other points such as age, education, and language, increases your chances of being selected for permanent residence.

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Canadian passport

Canada is considered one of the safest and most stable countries in the world, as it provides its citizens and residents with a decent life, health services, and a high economic level.

Therefore, many people around the world want to obtain a Canadian passport. How to obtain a Canadian passport and permanent residence includes many procedures, starting with obtaining permanent residence in Canada through one of the various immigration programs to Canada offered by the Canadian government.

After obtaining a Canadian passport, you can apply for obtaining a Canadian passport after certain conditions are met. As for how to obtain a Canadian passport and citizenship, it is necessary that the applicant for immigration to Canada be residing in the country for at least three years during the past five years.

The Canadian passport comes seventh in the ranking of the most powerful passports in the world, and obtaining a Canadian passport is something that entails that you obtain a lot of rights and enjoy most of the privileges granted to Canadian citizens.

such as the study Work and live a decent standard of living, as well as enjoy the right to health insurance for you and your family and the possibility of working in any of the Canadian cities, in addition to the eligibility of holders of Canadian passports to travel to 184 countries around the world without the need for a travel visa. Obtaining a Canadian passport also entails the need to adhere to some of the duties imposed on you by obtaining a Canadian passport.

What is the way to obtain a Canadian passport?

There are some requirements that must be met and adhered to by people wishing to immigrate to Canada to get a Canadian passport Also, the pre-application requirements differ from one person to another.

such as the visa and the type of immigration that the applicant will adopt to immigrate to Canada, in addition to various other factors such as the age stage, work skills, and educational level, in addition to the person’s ability to adapt. The method of obtaining a Canadian passport includes some basic requirements, such as:

  1. Health and physical requirements: It is necessary for the applicant to obtain a Canadian passport to enjoy good health, and to prove this by completing the required medical examinations, papers, and evidence.
  2. Proficiency in English or French: It is obligatory for everyone who applies for immigration to Canada to master one of the main languages ​​used in Canada, which are English and French, bypassing the required exams and obtaining the necessary grades, and language exams are usually taken to obtain a Canadian passport through authorized testing centers, eg an exam(IELTS) International English Language Testing System, and the score required to pass this exam is (CB7) in all language sections of the exam.
  3. Education level: The applicant for a Canadian passport must provide proof of academic certificates approved and documented by official authorities, which he obtained from outside Canada, in order to fulfill all the conditions for obtaining a Canadian passport.
  4. Age group: Whoever applies to obtain a Canadian passport must have completed the age of 18 years or over in order to be able to apply for immigration to Canada, and it is preferable that he not exceed 45 years in order to increase the chances of acceptance in the procedures for obtaining citizenship.