5 best legal ways to migrate to Canada (following)

4. Migration to Canada for successful artists and people

Migration to Canada is considered to be successful individuals and artists under this heading.  Successful artists, successful individuals, and international athletes can apply for migration to Canada with sponsorship and qualification. 

In Canada, there is a method called self-employed workers.  Persons who are able to prove their income through their specialization can enter Canada through this. 

To prove this, a person must be internationally recognized and have won various awards, and earned a few years in his or her country of origin by specialization or specialization without being employed. 

Proving the process of making money is very difficult, and these cases usually take several years.  It is recommended that these people enter the country by other means, such as studying, working, investing, and applying for residence in Canada. 

With the first-time management of MIE Consulting, the MIE Foundation has developed and made available to you a series of videos in a complete review and description of all migration and international investment methods.

5. Migration to Canada and living expenses

One of the factors affecting migration to Canada or other countries is the cost of living in that country.  Although Canada is one of the most beautiful countries with a very high quality of life, the cost of living is lower than in many countries around the world, such as Scandinavia, Switzerland, and the United States. 

It is worth noting that the cost of living, like all countries in the world, especially the cost of renting and purchasing real estate in different cities, will vary greatly.  In some of Canada’s largest and most populous cities, such as Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto, housing and living costs are higher than in other cities. 

Inflation is one of the most important economic indicators and the most important for measuring living conditions in any one country which makes it a factor in choosing to travel to Canada or other countries as a destination for immigration

The inflation rate index indicates a change in the prices of different commodities over a year.  The graph below shows Canada’s inflation over the past 10 years. 

As you can see, this rate has always been less than 4% in this period, and in the most recent statistics, it was 1.7%. The table below shows the prices of some livelihoods and the main living expenses.

Costs of migration to Canada

All those who wish to migrate to Canada apply through an immigration program.  Applicants seeking immigration can obtain a Canadian visa if they succeed in an immigration program established by the Government of Canada

The costs to be paid for issuing a visa and checking documents at the embassy are not equal.  The following amounts are paid for each type of visa:

  • Study visa: $150
  • Work visa: $155
  • Tourist visa: $100
  • Tourist visa (for family travel):   $500
  • Medical examinations: $100 to $500
  • No criminal record certificate:   $20

The total cost of immigration to Canada in 2021 to obtain documents relating to medical examination and a certificate of lack of criminal record from the police was approximately can$ 160 per person. 

Therefore, the cost for a family of two persons, the applicant, and the partner or wife, when applying for immigration to Canada would be approximately can$ 320, and for a family of three with a child, the total stated cost of which is estimated at can$ 470.
