5 best legal ways to migrate to Canada (following)

2. Migration to Canada by birth

Migration to Canada and citizenship through the birth of a child is the subject of this sub-item. Granting citizenship for the birth of a child in Canada in accordance with soil law. 

In Canada, unlike many countries around the world, especially in European countries, a child born in that country acquires Canadian citizenship. 

All countries that follow the principle of soil in the birth of a child, regardless of the nationality of the parents, grant citizenship to a child born in their own country.  In most countries, this law applies only to children born. 

This article was compiled by MIE Consulting and any copies or publication of it are not legally and legally permitted.  On the other hand, the granting of citizenship to a child born in Canada does not affect the process of living in Canada for parents, and parents will not be able to obtain Canadian residency in this way. 

The only benefit given to parents after the birth of the child is to stay for six months so that they can apply for residence through an educational, commercial, or investment method if they wish.

3. Migration to Canada through asylum

Immigration to Canada is examined by asylum under this heading.  Travel to Canada by asylum is a method of obtaining Canadian residency and is not recommended in any way. 

Given the difficulties and risks involved in asylum procedures, the high cost of expenditure, the uncertainty of the outcome, and the lack of work permit to publicize the results of asylum cases, this method cannot be considered a good option for migration to Canada. 

In general, Canada is a member of the Geneva Conventions and the Refugee Protection Act.  In international law, a refugee is defined as a person who travels to another country for reasons such as religion, sex, politics, etc.

and are afraid to return home.  Because if this person returns to his or her country, there may be harassment, torture, or the possibility of death.

To migrate to Canada through asylum, one must apply for asylum after entering Canada and from within Canada, or apply for asylum in Canada through the United Nations offices. 

Asylum in Canada can be a daunting task.  In the way the United Nations is asked, the asylum seeker may have been hesitant on the UN list for years and may not have the right to work or return to his or her home country for several years.  It may take several years to apply for asylum in Canada and a request for asylum may not eventually be accepted. 

It is important to note that asylum seekers will not be allowed to work in Canada and return to their country of origin during the asylum process.  If the person’s case is ultimately rejected and the case is not admitted in court, the asylum seeker must leave Canada within a very short period of time. 

MIE Consulting does not recommend asylum methods, and this paragraph has been prepared to make you more aware of the risks of these methods.
